rong enough to succeed in classes that are taught in French. The CEA campus will allow me to take classes in English while still being in the middle of Paris (the 3rd Arrondissement, just a few blocks from the La Seine, Ile de La Cite, and Ile Saint-Louis).
My school in Paris.
While I have not signed up for classes yet, as they haven't been released, I have chosen my potential & likely courses. For my major I will be taking Cross-Cultural Management. The program abroad requires that I choose 2 from 4 business electives, so my other business course will be Oenology: History, Culture & Business of Wine. This class will be a purely elective course. For my minor (French Language & Area Studies) I have chosen Intermediate French Language, 20th Century Art, and History of Paris: An Architectural Perspective. I am so excited to have a semester that is not so business-heavy and be able to focus on things like art & history which I have a great passion for, and otherwise don't have the opportunity to study as much at home.
Housing options are still up in the air. Within the next month or two we will choose preferences (among student-shared apartments, residence halls or homestays) and be assigned a temporary housing placement. Then, about 10 days before departure we will receive a permanent assignment.
There is still so much more to figure out, but I am so excited! A lot of it is stressful especially visa and financial situations, but it will all be worth it. My next blog post will be my list of things I want to do & see while I am abroad. And remember you guys are always welcome to comment here, I will read them and especially while I am abroad will really appreciate hearing from you guys :)